Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Benefits of Paprika

Paprika Capsicum annuum L. Latin name Solanaceae is a family-owned plant fruit that taste sweet and slightly spicy. The fruit is green, yellow, red, or purple is often used as a mixed salad. In international terms, paprika is used to express almost all varieties of C. annuum, including the spicy. Certain names, such as pepperoni, bell peppers with the characteristics given for the appearance, use, or a distinctive taste. 
Benefits of  Paprika
This plant originated from South America, now widespread and cultivated in almost all tropical and subtropical regions. 
Pepper plants generally grow as high as 50 cm - 150 cm. This plant can be matched in various climates and can grow in various parts of the world. For cultivation with high hydroponics can reach 3 - 4m. 

Benefits of Paprika 
Paprika has a spicy flavor not because there is no content Capsicin, substances that cause a sense of spicy chilli. Which peppers are many benefits contained therein, among others: 

1. Enhance the immunity 
peppers contain very high nutrition, especially vitamin C. The content of vitamin C in peppers is much higher than the orange that has been known as a source of vitamin C. Vitamin C is known as a compound the body needs in a variety of important processes, ranging from the manufacture of collagen (fibrous protein that forms connective tissue in the bones), fat transport, transport electrons from the various enzymatic reactions, hyper healthy gums, regulating cholesterol levels, immunity boosters, for wound healing and improve brain function in order to work optimally. 

2. Prevent eye disease 
Paprika is also rich in vitamin A and beta-carotene. In red peppers contain 3131 IU of vitamin A, the highest compared to other types of peppers. Vitamin A is necessary body to prevent eye disease, cell growth, immune system, reproduction, and maintaining healthy skin. 

3. Preventing cancer 
Skin and lung cancer: because they contain beta-carotene that provides more optimal protection against cancer. Beta-carotene works as an antioxidant derived from its ability to stabilize carbon-core radicals. Most of the content of beta-carotene is concentrated at the peppers near the skin. Just like other vegetables, the older the color of paprika, beta-carotene in it more and more. 
Prostate cancer: peppers that contain lycopene, lycopene consumed in large quantities have a lower risk of cancer, particularly prostate cancer. 

4. Increase sperm count 
Consumption of lycopene in red pepper is believed to improve sexual quality.Lycopene is believed to increase sperm count, improve sperm structure, and increased aggressiveness. 
And there are many benefits found in peppers that is able to treat bruises and sprains, a new hair to grow tissue, lower cholesterol, build up the regeneration of body cells, treating the throat and nose infections, lowers blood sugar levels, prevent sinusitis, ear disease, the channel launched digestion. 
The main nutrients in peppers are rich in carotene, vitamin B and vitamin C. 
Nutritional Content of Fruits peppers contain vitamin C as many as 150-250 mg/100 g. 

While the nutritional content of peppers contained in each 100 grams of fresh fruit is green: 0.9 g protein, 0.3 g fat, 4.4 g carbohydrates, 7.0 mg Ca, Fe 0.4 mg, P 22 mg, Vit A 540 IU, Vit B1 22.0 mg, Vit B2 0.002 mg, Niacin 0.4 mg and Vit C 160 mg. Peppers also contain ascorbic acid nutritional value per 100 grams: calories 29 mg, Potassium 11 mg, 870 IU Vitamin, riboflafin 0.03 mg, Niacin 0.05 mg 

It was some of the benefits of paprika to boost immunity, prevent eye disease, prevent cancer, improve sperm count. Hopefully this article can be useful and help in overcoming the disease with natural herbal.

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